Fake Good News S01 E02
In this episode The Miha is trolling the crypto community.


Blagovno trgovinski center (BTC CITY) is a well known shopping mall, sports, entertainment and business area in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with more than 500 shops.
BTC City | Wikipedia
How I created the Bitcoin City

Bitcoin City (BTC City) is a fake utopian project based on it's name - BTC (Bitcoin) with an existing BTC City visuals.
The basic idea behind this concept of a city is that its whole economy runs on Bitcoin. Paying taxes happens automatically and functions somehow like paying fees to a payment service – only in this case the “fees” go directly to the city’s operational capital. Citizens then decide where they’d like to invest their tax money through the process of participative budgeting. 70% of their operational capital is spent on building schools and developing their own departments of science, philosophy, health, technology and art.
In this direct democracy all citizens act as politicians changing their local environment with active involvement in decision making and high levels of participation in online voting.
Basic citizen income is provided daily to ensure the people’s basic needs but citizens are already considering creating their own cryptocoin due to Bitcoin’s extreme volatility. The new coin would be equally distributed to all BTC citizens, so that in theory everybody would have the same starting position.
Viral fake news
February, 2018
#bitcoin #utopia #plausible #simple
with Žiga Aljaž
video production
Fake Guardian webpage
'Credibility' article
February, 2018
I published my own article on Guadrain (a fake replicate of original Guardian's webpage)
with Srđan Prodanović
Public opinion
February, 2018

February, 2018
Fake Guardian Page Promotes Ljubljana's BTC City as "Bitcoin City"
Local artist The Miha Artnak behind the prank. February 22, 2018 The Guardian newspaper has long been known for its typos, and thus anyone clicking the following link https://www.theguadrain.com/technology/2018/feb/17/bitcoin-city could be forgiven for thinking that The Grauniad, as it's sometimes referred to, had made a mistake its URL.
Slovenski umetnik po sliki golobjih iztrebkov še s prvim "bitcoin mestom"
Mladi slovenski umetnik Miha Artnak, ki je novembra lani z lažno novico o prodaji slike golobjih iztrebkom Kitajcem prelisičil nekaj slovenskih medijev, je znova »udaril«. Tokrat na portalu »Guadrain« pišejo o njegovi ideji o ustanovitvi prvega bitcoin mesta - BTC City.
Miha Murn / Michael Gregorjev Murn

- and -
Dejan Roljic

Dejan Roljič, CEO of Formtaste is accused of stealing an idea from Print boks
Slovenska zagonska podjetja so povezana v zelo tesni skupnosti, a očitno od časa do časa pride tudi do prepirov. Print boks, ki proizvaja kiosk za tiskanje, optično branje in fotokopiranje, je podjetje Formtaste innovations obtožil kraje ideje.
Company's public statement

Public response

Private warnings

Takedown notice

The very same people who first threatened to press charges are now using the term Bitcoin City for their own marketing
The BTC "Bitcoin" City Story Continues With Eligma
Slovenian start-up plans to test cryptocurrency payments at the shopping complex. March 16, 2018 It seems the story of BTC City being Bitcoin City, and not a shopping mall complex just outside of Ljubljana, continues to have legs.

ICO @ Bitcoin City, March 2018
Trademark registration by the company that 'borrowed' my idea

Bought likes by the company that 'borrowed' my idea

Bought reviews by the company that 'borrowed' my idea

TV news legitimization of the company that 'borrowed' my idea
We have our first and very own Bitcoin city in Slovenia
V ljubljanskem BTC Cityju smo dobili prvo bitcoin mesto na svetu. Eligma je največji slovenski blockchain podvig do danes. Kavo, plenice, hladilnik boste po novem tako lahko kupovali s kriptovalutami. Ta vstopa na kriptotrg in ne cilja le na 19 milijonov evrov, temveč napoveduje revolucijo spletnega nakupovanja.
Public statement by the CEO of the company that 'borrowed' my idea
Dejan Roljic talks about Bitcoin City
'Borrowed' ideas rewards
1st place

Ni za kej Roljič.
Unsuccessful ICO
Uncovering: Eligma supposedly raised 15.178 ETH but they only have 943 ETH on their wallets
400.65 ETH 0xE8ef703C0de875D5c6c882c71FF03D18598290B3
543.33 ETH 0xb06e1dce0822847097bc5a1ab6f21c240009e0b8

Nevermind guys, team work!

Get the prime minister on the phone!

Create me a new brand identity and a map!

Deny everything!

Fake it till you make it!
Ladies and gentleman — Ted Danson!

More media response
Still filming ...

Written and directed by The Miha Artnak
with: Srđan Prodanović, Nika Jurman, Žiga Aljaž, Andraž Jerič and Mirnes Jusufović.
Fake news is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. Fake news is written and published with the intent to mislead in order to damage an agency, entity, or person, and/or gain financially or politically often using sensationalist, dishonest, or outright fabricated headlines to increase readership, online sharing, and Internet click revenue. In the latter case, it is similar to sensational online "clickbait" headlines and relies on advertising revenue generated from this activity, regardless of the veracity of the published stories. Intentionally misleading and deceptive fake news is different from obvious satire or parody, which is intended to humor rather than mislead its audience. Source: Wikipedia
No animals were harmed during the filming of this episode.
ZEK Crew
If you find any joy and value in what I do, please consider donating Bitcoin to this address

or feed the artist