Fake Good News S01 E01

In this episode The Miha is trolling the art market and slovenian media.







No bullshit

I colored the canvas black and left it overnight in one of the dove breeding houses. I wanted it to be painted with doves feces to get that expressionistic mood. And doves have so much symbolism attached to it that it's a self-explanatory piece.

August, 2017

Hvala ti Branko.



How I sold the painting for $1M

The Miha Artnak

Dove & Peace

mixed media


5000 ETH

Free shipping


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Fake Media House


September, 2017

I created a brand called ZN Media (ZEK News) for sharing 'viral' content

Viral fake news


September, 2017

#millions #artmarket #plausible #simple

I predefined artwork's value with 2017 news storytelling

with Žiga Aljaž and Tadej Štrok
video production



17th October, 2017

I started ZN Media Facebook page and shared some existing viral videos to build a history timeline

Public opinion


30th October, 2017

I launched my video on ZN Media Facebook page and promoted it with 80 EUR. It got 80.000 views

with Matteo Pasi
ad campaign

Fake Guardian webpage

'Credibility' article

14th November, 2017

I published my own article on Guadrain (a fake replicate of original Guardian's webpage)

with Srđan Prodanović



Real Newspaper

15th November, 2017

Slovenske novice
Front page of most printed newspaper in Slovenia

Real News Radio

16th November, 2017

Stated as a fact and opinion in a debate

Real News TV

Evening news

16th November, 2017

Svet na Kanalu A
National news TV as the main story

"Good shit happened"

The interview

Anchorman: "This is crazy but it's also a true story."

Edited post


Artist lied to us!


Fekalni ekspresionizem oziroma poop-art | MLADINA.si

Golobja umetnina © The Miha Artnak, ZEK Ljubljanski multimedijski umetnik The Miha Artnak je te dni uspešno izpeljal še eno izmed domiselnih potegavščin. S svojimi duhovitimi podvigi je doslej že večkrat marsikoga napetnajstil, denimo takrat, ko je policistom, ki so ga želeli ustaviti (in oglobiti) pri ustvarjanju Vzorca iz otroštva - osupljivo dolgega grafita, narejenega v eni potezi - suvereno predložil ponarejeno dovoljenje in mirno ustvarjal naprej.

Golobji kakci za milijon

Najprej sta si s kolegom zamislila videoposnetek, ga z občutkom in z več popravki oblikovala v karseda ličnega in prepričljivega ter ga razširila po družabnih [...]

Nič več svinjine na Gimnaziji Vič | MLADINA.si

Lažna spletna stran Mladine © Urban Lečnik Spaić Če ste prejšnji teden na spletu zasledili članek z naslovom Nič več svinjine na Gimnaziji Vič, kjer je pisalo, da želi vodstvo šole dijakom in dijakinjam muslimanske vere olajšati razmere, ste mu, če niste bili pozorni, po vsej verjetnosti verjeli, saj naj bi bil objavljen na spletni strani Mladine.

Poročila ob 10h

V Poročilih ob 22.00 uri se lahko hitro in učinkovito seznanite z vsemi najpomembnejšimi novicami iz domovine in sveta.

Successful art career

Commission work

Street art



Written and directed by The Miha Artnak

with: Nika Jurman, Branko Jurman, Žiga Aljaž, Srđan Prodanović, Tadej Štrok, Matteo Pasi and Domen Kavčič.

Fake news is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. Fake news is written and published with the intent to mislead in order to damage an agency, entity, or person, and/or gain financially or politically often using sensationalist, dishonest, or outright fabricated headlines to increase readership, online sharing, and Internet click revenue. In the latter case, it is similar to sensational online "clickbait" headlines and relies on advertising revenue generated from this activity, regardless of the veracity of the published stories. Intentionally misleading and deceptive fake news is different from obvious satire or parody, which is intended to humor rather than mislead its audience. Source: Wikipedia

No animals were harmed during the filming of this episode.


ZEK Crew


If you find any joy and value in what I do, please consider donating Bitcoin to this address


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or feed the artist